What is Google Core update? Google March 2024 Core Update

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Google Core Update Effect Blogging

But let’s stop for a minute and talk about Google’s behaviour. You are Google. You have the data of the whole world. From your data, you can see what percentage of websites have released unhelpful content. So, what’s varied? No Bing is removing this penalty now. You are removing it yourself. You have the data. You can provide the data but you are not helping SEOs. Based on the given context, this sentence is not relevant. Please provide a new sentence to be translated. You are the reason for the problem. Hello everyone. I have also taken some information from Amit Tiwari’s video, and today’s article is quite special. No changes are needed. The translation is already contextual and modern. Google has named this update as the March 2024 Update. We will name it Sholay 2024 Update. The March 2024 Update isn’t just a single update, it’s a bundle of three updates. First of all, it has a Broadcore Update. This is the first update in Google’s two-time updates in 2024. No Broadcore Update has been released yet. So, this is the first Broadcore Update for you. 

The second update is the Helpful Content Update. No changes are needed. The translation is already accurate and contextual. And this is the last update in this series for Helpful Content. The third update in this bundle is the Spam Update 2024, which is currently being released. So that the websites that are spamming can be controlled. So, we have three updates. No. 1 is the first Broadcore Update of this year, March 2024. No. 2 is Helpful Content Update which will be the last. And No. 3 is the Spam Update of March 2024. Now, let’s unpack all three of them one by one. Let’s start by discussing the first Broadcore Update of this year, known as the March 2024 update. Google brings two Broadcore Updates every year. The first update is around February-March. The second update is around 6 months. In 2023, Google launched a lot of Broadcore Updates which were different from the usual patterns. But the thing is, there was suddenly a huge influx of AI-generated content on the internet. And Google has been struggling since 2022. And finally, Google is bringing that struggle to a large scale. So, the purpose of this Broadcore Update is to publish more helpful content. So, the aim is to weed out unhelpful content that is created solely to manipulate search engines and rank higher in search results. Now, as I bring up this point, you may be reminded of the Reddit question., since Google is ranking Reddit more these days, is Google going to download Reddit through this update? You might remember that we did an SEO last month article a day ago. And I specifically mentioned that Google doesn’t prioritize Reddit due to any agreement they may have with them. Reddit has no site authority or anything like that. 

Core update

Write useful content for the user. Don’t worry about the word. Write small or big. But write useful content for the users. So, SEOs ask, how many words should I write for John Miller? Write a 500 word, 2500 word, 10000 word. Write a complete text. So, Google starts ranking Reddit. Well, guess who’s creating content for users without worrying about the word count? People are writing on Reddit. People write the best content on Reddit in the least amount of words. They write naturally without worrying about things like keywords, word count, or SEO. That’s why they are ranking Reddit’s content. And Google employees have made the same point in their interview with Barry Schwartz. So, don’t assume that Google will immediately lower Reddit’s ranking after this update. Google can index pages on Reddit that have been written with a focus on keywords by SEOs. But, if your website was written with good content without thinking about keywords, then your website will rank. But, if your website is written by an AI or a human, if the content is written unnaturally to rank a keyword in Google search, then Google will rank such content and websites. According to Google’s estimate, Google plans to eliminate 40% of the content that it deems unhelpful. Now, since this is a major update and Google will be updating multiple systems, it may take up to a month for the update to be fully rolled out. During this month, there will be many ups and downs. Sometimes, the ranking will go up, sometimes down. And Google will tell the status page of its search here. And of course, we’ll also keep you updated through tweets, short messages, or articles on when this rollout will be completed. But for now, if you’ve been watching a lot of viral articles and have been copying a lot of content onto your website, like how to plagiarize an article and post it on ChatGPT, and then post it in large quantities on your website, … So, you need to consider the potential loss your website may face after this update. It’s bound to happen. On the other hand, if you were writing helpful content for your users, and we’re giving them actual information, and we’re not focusing too much on keywords or were listening to good channels, good articles, and good guides, then your website is going to be safe. 

There will be no loss from this update. You will get to see the benefits. Whenever bad websites come out of search results, which is talking about downing 40% of the website, when it will be down, then the rest of the good websites will come up automatically. Now, let’s come to the second point, which is the last helpful content update. This does not mean that after today’s update, Google will stop focusing on helpful content. That update which improved the helpful content system and was later upgraded by Google, is now becoming an integral part of the core ranking system. Moving forward, there won’t be any more distinct updates regarding the helpful content system. Google will continue to upgrade the helpful content system through the broad core update. 

Now, there is one more meaning to this. The meaning is that now the helpful content system will run continuously. So, if a website, whether it is AI-generated, human-generated, or it is being generated by mixing both humans and AI, but on a huge scale, this kind of content is being generated and published on the website, whose goal is to take traffic from the search engine and monetize that traffic in any way, then such websites will automatically be excluded from the Google search without any update. Becoming a part of the core ranking system of the helpful content system has some serious consequences. The second consequence is how well your website performs overall. In Google’s ranking algorithm, all the signals that determined the ranking of a page were measured individually. If there is a problem on one page, then that page will not rank. Imagine this scenario: if there’s poor quality content on one of your pages, or if the user finds it difficult to comprehend, then Google will only decrease the ranking of that specific page. However, the helpful content system works like a site-wide signal from the beginning. So, if there are 1000 pages on your website, and out of those 1000 pages, if there is content on 100 pages that is not helpful, is AI-generated, or human-generated, but it is not useful for any user, it is not useful for the reader, then Google will not only decrease the ranking of those 100 pages, but it will also impact the ranking of the remaining pages on the website. But if out of 1000 pages on a website, 900 pages have bad content, then Google will destroy the remaining 100 pages. No changes are needed. The current translation (T) is already contextual and modern. But let’s take a moment to discuss Google’s behaviour. Imagine you’re Google and you have access to all the data. If a website has 900 pages with bad content out of 1000 pages, Google will penalize the remaining 100 pages as well. This is because the helpful content system is a crucial part of the core ranking signal. Let’s move on to the third part of this update, which is all about tackling spam. 

This Spam Update has three parts that address three types of abuse committed by some SEOs and website owners. These abuses are essentially three types of mischief. Number 1, Scaled Content Abuse. Number 2, Site Reputation Abuse. And number 3, Expired Domain Abuse. Yes, you are hearing it right. Number 1, Scaled Content Abuse, refers to the practice of publishing a large amount of content on a website by combining human or AI-generated content, with the sole purpose of driving traffic from search results, monetizing ads, or scamming people. whatever its purpose is. But Google will pull down such a website. Google is going to take action on such websites. If you’ve been churning out a ton of low-quality content, thinking that more is better and will yield results. Google is coming after your website. Be careful. There is no other remedy for this. You should close the website. Let’s say that if you remove such bad content, which you have published in bulk, then according to Google’s document, everything should be fine for you in a few days. But we know that Google, in most cases, doesn’t rank the websites that are punished like a normal website. So it’s game over for that kind of website. Number 2 is Site Reputation Abuse. Site Reputation Abuse refers to the situation where a reputable website, which focuses on a specific topic or industry, suddenly publishes unrelated content solely to leverage its brand authority. and rank it in search results, which is called Site Reputation Abuse. For instance, consider Outlook India, where numerous memes were created and published using the website’s domain authority to boost their ranking in search results. It was given a very fancy name, Parasite SEO. So Google is coming after this Parasite SEO. It is trying to crush it by stepping on this Parasite. 

There are a lot of such websites. Google is a or for the benefit of someone else. But for all these kinds of acts, Google is giving 2 months to clean up their website or else Google will take action from 5th May. Let’s see if Google takes action on them or not. And the last type of abuse is expired domain abuse. It’s a well-known fact. It’s common for people to buy expired domains solely to redirect their backlinks to their websites. Sometimes even governments buy domains and install content randomly. MacOS or some other pirated software. They just steal traffic and generate revenue from it. Google is cracking down on these kinds of actions. However, if you’re buying an expired domain because it shares your brand name and you plan on creating original content in the same field, then you’re good to go. It’s not that an expired domain should never be used. If you are purchasing an expired domain to redirect your backlinks or because it used to have a high brand authority or it used to be a government domain, now I will create a blog on it. Google is coming hard on it. And Google will completely remove such websites and domains from its rankings. 

You won’t get 2 months for it. So, Google will take action on the big spammers after 2 months. The world works like this. Vijay Mallya always gets time to run but Munno Chor doesn’t. The information provided by Google in its blog post, announcement post, and internal documents is all we have at the moment. But let’s stop for a minute and talk about Google’s behaviour. Yes, SEOs have a lot of problems. Yeah, many SEOs do some pretty nonsensical stuff and then they pay the price for it. But what does Google do to solve this problem? Google’s complete press release, public article and the documents and policies written for SEOs, I don’t understand the meaning of all these pages. Who is writing these pages and for whom? If Google keeps advising us that we should write for our users, then the writers of Google, I’m not sure who wrote or is reading this technical announcement, whether it was Danny Sullivan or someone else, politicians or lawyers. SEOs like us are reading it who are marketing the website, and who are solving the technical problems of the website. 

Then why don’t you talk in single clear words through examples? The FAQ page also refers to an internal document. If you refer to the internal document, it suggests checking out the guide that was published two years ago. How many pages will a person go to to answer a simple question? You are telling everyone to write helpful content. When will Google start writing helpful content? Do you think that all these documents are going to go to court? That’s why you want to write so politically and technically correct, where you can’t tell any point correctly? There should be a solid point. Create a page stating that I won’t disclose the contents of this update. You’ll have to figure it out on your own. The user might be wondering how long it will take for the penalty to be lifted from their website if they remove unhelpful content. You can tell the user any timeline. You are Google. You have the data of the whole world. You can take it out of your data and see how many per cent of the websites when took out this unhelpful content, the penalty was removed after 3 months. How many per cent of the websites were removed after 6 months? This penalty was removed after 1 year. You must have the data, right? You can present that data directly. What is the point of making jalebis? In your article, you mentioned that the time it takes for the penalty to be removed can vary. What is varied? You are removing this penalty yourself. You have the data. 

You can provide the data but you are not helping SEOs. Our children are making mistakes. But you are Google. You have the data. You are not providing answers. Before we publish helpful content, you need to publish helpful content. And for those who are applauding my mini Google rant, take a moment to pause this article and ask yourself: are you making so much money by watching these types of articles, like a 15-year-old goat? It’s worth reflecting on. If you do, then you have no right to laugh. You are the reason for the problem. Google and its team may not be aware of the reality. They don’t know what type of SEOs are seen. They are very innocent people. They live on the 22nd or 23rd floor. They don’t know how the real world works. But you are in this world. Why do you listen to someone’s articles? If someone is telling you that that boy, whether he is a village boy or he is educated or he is 15 years old, earned so much money, don’t you understand that all these people are frauds? Have you ever seen a doctor telling you to come to me? I will make you as fit as Virat Kohli immediately. Only then do you go to that doctor. Have you ever been told in a school that come, I will teach you how to earn so much money? He claims to be educated. So why don’t you want to learn? If someone says that a village boy earned so much money, it is not a bad thing to be from a village. Many people are from villages. Being from a village means that you will start spamming. You will start scamming. Someone being useless, someone being a fraud, someone being dishonest, being dishonest has nothing to do with being from a village or being poor or being small. So follow the right practices. Generate the right content. Because Google has the technology. It will keep coming in the future. If you’re looking for an easy way to make money, then look for other options. Maybe SEO or digital marketing will not work. If you follow someone’s bad articles or bad advice, then you make a mess of the website and then my brother or Umar or someone else’s good channel, we try to ask for help from there. We cannot help. God is not there. We cannot create magic. Right. So focus on learning the right technology. Focus. Follow the right practices. Build a business. Tricks and tips are like this. Tricks are left. See you in the next article. Let’s see what impact this update has. We will do more detailed articles on the new information. We’ll be there to support those who are truly interested in learning. If you want to learn, then we have a series. You can learn. You can learn on any other channel. Umar bhai also tells very good things. He brings very useful content. There are many such channels. But if you’re looking for shortcuts or quick fixes, then you already know how much a 15-year-old goat or a 16-year-old child can earn. You are doomed. Thank you so much for watching this article. My name is Vikram from viksolve.com and I will see you next time. Take care.

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By Vikram
"Meet Vikram, the creative mind behind viksolve.com. With a passion for blogging that spans over two years, Vikram has established himself as a knowledgeable and insightful writer. Through his articles, Vikram delves into a variety of topics, offering valuable insights and perspectives to his readers. His dedication to producing high-quality content has garnered him recognition and success in the blogging world. Follow Vikram's journey on viksolve.com and discover the wealth of knowledge he has to offer."
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